Does The Latest Airtel 4.5GB At N2000 Zaps Data?
Well I know
that you all will want to know whether the latest Airtel 4.5GB at N2000 zaps
data since Airtel has been notoriously known for zapping data within a twinkle
of an eye.
In case you still
don’t know, airtel recently step up their former android data plan that
formerly offer subscribers 4GB at N2000, and so now you can get additional
500MB, which then brings it to a total of 4.5GB at still N2000.
In the
current fastest browsing network ranking between MTN, Etisalat, Airtel and Glo,
we talked about how stable and fast the airtel network appear these days in
many locations when it comes to browsing, and this can be a major reason why
you might want to embrace the airtel network again.
reason that will recently want to make you fall back to the airtel network is
because of the current instability being witness all over on the MTN BBLITE
Back to
major topic of the day; yes, it is an android plan but works on all other
devices without any special tweaking, but the big question currently is does it
zaps data?